For Romanticism Lives
Above the sea of fog
themselves the mountains thrust
an innuendo of god
delivered to human kind
For romanticism lives.
From the fringe of the old wild west
to the grave of the fenian sleep
From the barricades of red Paris
to the depth of the walden pond
For romanticism lives.
Why, I ask, shall we confine
ourselves to the links of logic?
Why, I ask, shall we lose
the very fringes of human?
The life of automata my heart fulfills not
For when I die, I become one with earth
For when I die, I return, mother nature
Beauty, after all, contrasts the light and dark
For romanticism lives.
Bound not by the lines of logic and need
but love and creed.
For dazzles in sunlight sing
and melancholies greive,
emotion, the judge of our deeds.
For romanticism lives.
‘Twas better to heed neath the sea of green
than factory, the straight of gray
To those who can see the specter of freedom
across from the foggy dew
For those who dream
romanticism lives.