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[there was a blackout yesterday, jamie]


there was a blackout yesterday, jamie. due to all that cold recently,

and the new snow and ice just piled up, i guess. froze all those

power lines and that electricity inside. maybe. you know i’m not

good with science. you should have been by. it was a wonderful

time. i had bread for dinner. untoasted. haven’t done that in years.

sat against the fridge and spread Smuckers strawberry preserves

across the heel of the loaf. jam was even still cold, since the power

went out in the late afternoon. small blessings. though outdoors is

basically a freezer, yeah? imagine that. chilling jam in the snow. i’d

probably slip on ice and crack the jar, and the strawberries would

end up all over the driveway, and then maybe some rabbit would

prance over and eat it off the powdered concrete. mini-murder

scene, culprit: white rabbit. but even without the jam you probably

would have dragged me outside anyways, cause you worried about

things like the food in the fridge. probably would have thrown the

milk onto the porch so it doesn’t go bad, and maybe the vegetables

and leftovers while you were at it. and i would have laughed and

said blackouts don’t last that long, jamie, the milk will be fine. and

the potatoes didn’t need to be in the fridge in the first place.

nothin’ didn’t need to be thrown outside at all. it should have been

fine. fridge will probably be back before we know it. happy little

electricity particles dancing, or whatever they do, through the

powerlines again. you like dancing. please stay inside. i’ll do it if you

really want, okay? let those vegetables start sprouting on our porch

and leave a dozen little poisonous baby potato sprouts behind.

mini-snow garden, happy rabbits i guess. you did always love

watching their little noses twitch. seeing the animals come and go.

and then after the power came back we’d have picked up those

frigid leftovers and heated them up again, nice and warm. but

anyways. you should have been by. we could have sat together by

the fridge. it’s back on now, by the way. and the milk’s okay.

vegetables too. hope you’re doing well. 

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